Wednesday, June 08, 2011

Nature Picture - Week 1

For the rest of the year, I’m going to try to post a nature picture that I have personally taken.  When I take my camera with me, I usually stop to look around more and see the beauty in things that I would usually be too busy to even notice.
This first picture is one that I took a couple days ago.  I was sitting in my living room when I heard an extremely loud bird and I figured it had to be just outside.  When I looked, I realized it was an adorable little bird and I had to get a picture so I grabbed my camera and stealthily opened the window and got off one shot before it flew away.  It’s not the best quality, but I had to use zoom and, like I said, I only had one photo to choose from.  I think it’s a blue jay that isn’t fully grown due to the little tuft on the back of the head and it sounded just like the other ones that are always flying around here.

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