Friday, June 03, 2011


The other day my girlfriend and I were going to pay rent and go to the store to get some groceries.  First, she nearly forgot to write the check and then she almost left it on the couch and then we almost forgot to go before we went to the store.  I had a fleeting thought that we shouldn’t go; maybe all these things happening was something telling me to wait until tomorrow.  I convinced myself that I was just being stupid though and on the way back we got pulled over.  The cop claimed that we weren’t wearing our seatbelts, which was completely crap.  We both always wear them and if anyone else is with us, the first thing we do is make sure they’re wearing them too, which any of my friends can attest to.  He gave us a huge hassle and starting complaining about the fact that the car is registered in Tennessee, but being driven here.  It’s my brother’s car though and we only brought it here because my girlfriend’s car keeps messing up and she couldn’t get to work without one.
After the whole ordeal, I realized that I definitely should have listened to that voice inside of my head, telling me not to go.  All these things were happening, screaming at me not to go, but I didn’t listen because I thought I was just being silly.  I don’t know if it was something inside of me or something watching over me, but either way, next time I will be listening to that little voice that’s warning me.

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